So I'm Back.....

Grendel - John Gardner Beowulf: A New Verse Translation - Seamus Heaney, Anonymous

And I've done some stuff wrong. 


Read Grendel, then Beowulf??? That doesn't seem right.


But, hey, you do what you have to do for a rushed English class.


Grendel was absolutely astounding. And awe-inspiring. And amazing. It completely blew my mind though I'm a sucker for retellings.


And if you're a lover of classic heroes read Beowulf, just read it before you read Grendel. This book now has the same vibe as Wicked does. I will now and forever root for the antagonist. And I'm not saying Grendel the demon is good. I'm just saying these two books made me question what is right and what is wrong and who are we to call anyone a hero or a monster.