"Don't think or judge, just listen."

Just Listen - Sarah Dessen

     I have heard that Sarah's Dessen's books were downright adorable. My first book with was a solid three stars; it was cute, fluffy, and it made me feel good, but it was over after the last page. The characters didn't stay with me. This book, however, was almost perfect. I didn't want it to end. 

     From the outside, Annabel has her life together. Nobody needs to know all of her friends hate her or that her family isn't as picture-perfect as the modeling photographs that hang on her wall. Even if she did tell, who would want to listen to her problems anyway?

     Then she meets Owen. I'm not even going to try and describe how wonderful he is. Find out for yourself. 

     The relationship, the mere moments, Dessen created were like crystal: sharp and clear and beautiful.

      Just...read it :)