She Advocates Dirty Books

"What's wrong with her?"

"Why, Professor Hill, she advocates dirty books!"

Exquisite Captive - Heather Demetrios

     Can I be honest and say this was one of the most delicious books I’ve read in a long time???? Can I???? I’ve always been a sucker for high fantasy so I never really looked at anything modern, but I now feel like I’ve just been living under a rock my whole life!!! Heather Demetrios weaves a golden, amethyst tale of smoky jinni lore with a steaming love story.
     Nalia was one of the most powerful jinni in her realm, the only survivor of a deadly coup that killed almost everyone she loved. Struggled into a bottle and sold into the lavish Hollywood hills, Nalia’s tremendous power can serve one person and one person only: her master, Malek. Now add in another jinni, this time, it’s Raif, her sworn enemy, but he swears he can free Nalia, but only on his terms.
     All the characters were deep, so much going on, not one of them a pure hero. But those make the best characters, don’t they?? I don’t know about you, but we fight more than just our world’s problems. We fight within ourselves about what to do with the world.
     And the writing was so, so beautiful. I’ve never been to Hollywood, but I feel like I have now!! Details are what makes a story real and this story had lots. And with such a magical plot, that’s exactly what was needed.
Warning: I’ve read so many mixed reviewes about the relationships in this book!!! Will there be a love triangle?? Do I want one? Do I ever want one? Should I even be happy about this? <3 I mean, people told me this book would make me blush, and it sure did!!!!! :)

     A big thank you goes out to Heather Demetrios for making up boys like Raif and Malek. What fine specimens they are!!

So I'm Back.....

Grendel - John Gardner Beowulf: A New Verse Translation - Seamus Heaney, Anonymous

And I've done some stuff wrong. 


Read Grendel, then Beowulf??? That doesn't seem right.


But, hey, you do what you have to do for a rushed English class.


Grendel was absolutely astounding. And awe-inspiring. And amazing. It completely blew my mind though I'm a sucker for retellings.


And if you're a lover of classic heroes read Beowulf, just read it before you read Grendel. This book now has the same vibe as Wicked does. I will now and forever root for the antagonist. And I'm not saying Grendel the demon is good. I'm just saying these two books made me question what is right and what is wrong and who are we to call anyone a hero or a monster.

"Don't think or judge, just listen."

Just Listen - Sarah Dessen

     I have heard that Sarah's Dessen's books were downright adorable. My first book with was a solid three stars; it was cute, fluffy, and it made me feel good, but it was over after the last page. The characters didn't stay with me. This book, however, was almost perfect. I didn't want it to end. 

     From the outside, Annabel has her life together. Nobody needs to know all of her friends hate her or that her family isn't as picture-perfect as the modeling photographs that hang on her wall. Even if she did tell, who would want to listen to her problems anyway?

     Then she meets Owen. I'm not even going to try and describe how wonderful he is. Find out for yourself. 

     The relationship, the mere moments, Dessen created were like crystal: sharp and clear and beautiful. it :)

Favorite childhood book???

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis

This is going to sound so weird. This is the first book I think I fell in love with. This is the first book I read more than once and the only book i've ever read more than three times. Every single night (after a brushed my teeth, of course) I would sit in my bed and read this story out loud until my sister came into my room and told me to shut up. I love it. And I think i always will. 

Reblogged from Hadeer's Ranting:


The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

     When it comes to books or movies, I'm usually late to the party. I didn't start reading Harry Potter until I was in sixth grade, hiding the books underneath my desk when we were supposed to be studying math.  I'm trying to get better. I promise. My to-read shelf on Goodreads is going strong and growing bigger and bigger everyday.

     I picked up this book because my dear friend was giving away box-loads of books and as a book lover, those kinds of things are hard to resist. 

     Usually, I'm more into young adult books than regular fiction books, but this is a real gem. it's beautiful and breath-taking. Hopefully, my dear friend won't want it back anytime soon.


"Most important thing in life is learning how to fall."

The Silver Star - Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls Half Broke Horses - Jeannette Walls

I love Jeanette Walls. She is a beautiful author that deserves the respect of the entire literary world. If you haven't read one of these books, be kind to yourself. These books will change your life. They definitely changed mine.

Do you ever dog-ear your books?



Delirium - Lauren Oliver Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi The Battle of the Labyrinth - Rick Riordan Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré

Every so often, I will be answering book-lovable questions. You're welcome. Hope you enjoy them! :)


What is your favorite book of your favorite series?


Now, dearies, one thing you must know about me is that I break rules... A lot. Or, at least, I find my way around them. As a book-lover, I hate this kind of question. I love too many books too have one ultimate favorite. So I will be naming four books from four of my favorite series.


1. Delirium by Lauren Oliver

I love this book. I love this author. This whole series gives me too much feels. The first one will always be my favorite. First love in a world where love isn't allowed to exist. My goodness, it sounds perfect. Lena will always be one of my favorite literary characters and Alex will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends. Let's say a quick prayer that Lauren Oliver will return to that world and start another series, another trilogy. I'll even settle for one book. I've read the short stories....


2. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

I have always stood strong in my belief that when it comes to a trilogy, the first book is always the best. That's the way it has alway been for me. Then I read this. I have.....only one word....only one....that can describe....the way...Woo! It's getting hot in here!!!!! The magical word is Warner! I have no more to say. If you haven't read this book yet, do your self a favor. But start at the beginning with Shatter Me. And also, take a moment of silence for the pure beauty of Mafi's writing style. Take a moment, then take another because she deserve two.


3. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

This is where Percabeth started for me, people!!!! It was set in a giant maze that always changes. Percy and the gang were still going strong. It was just a great, action-packed book that set my heart a flight. 


4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Things started to get real here. Things got really real here. I remember speeding through this book, jumping at every page and having to take a breather between every chapter. This book taught me that sometimes things don't end happy, but we need to stay strong, no matter what


So, this wraps up my first question!!!! If you want to ask me any questions feel free to ask.  Bookish or not! ;)



Be brave. Be angry. Don't trust anyone.

Dorothy Must Die - Danielle  Paige

I adore retellings. I don't know why. Maybe it's because a classic story can live on through other people's ideas. Maybe it's because a villain gets the chance to be a hero. Maybe it's because a book can be retold in such a way that it just blows your mind. I loved this! I admit, it started slow and I almost...I almost gave up it, but I am so glad I didn't. Amy Gumm is from Kansas and when a tornado whisks her away to Oz and away from her irresponsible mother, she thinks that may be just what she needed. Then she learns the true meaning of why she was sent there. Dorothy must die...and she is the only person who can kill her. This story is exciting and action-packed. Once you get into the grit of the story, there is no turning back.

"Love is beautiful fear."

The Elite - Kiera Cass

     Do I love Maxon? That would be like asking if I loved the idea of happily ever after. Of course, I do. Blonde hair, baby-faced, and beautiful, what more could America ask for? Oh! I almost forgot! He's also a prince with lots of money and lots of connections. He also has a gigantic, secret room dedicated to books... :) Doesn't that sound lovely? Did I mention he's a prince? 

     And that seems to be the only thing America Singer is worried about.

     The Selection started with 35 girls. Now there is only six. America knows Maxon would be hers if she only told him. But there's that pesky Aspen to consider. How the heck did he get in the castle? So he's a guard now? Good for him...

     America isn't only choosing between loves. She's choosing between the life she had planned and a life she thought she would never see. 

     This novel is as pretty and as sweet as a pastry. I gobbled it up in two days. It's charming and warm and just all together lovely. The writing was fast and friendly, like talking to a best friend.

     Maybe I'm not voting for Maxon or Aspen. Maybe I'm rooting for America. I think she would make a wonderful queen.


Panic - Lauren Oliver

Lauren Oliver.......You never cease to amaze me!!!!!! I am always afraid of reading every single one of my favorite author's books. Why, you may ask. Well, I am always afraid there will be one that is bound to not be good. Thank God this wan't the case. Panic was a fast read and I loved every heart-racing and spine-tingling second of it.

"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. - C.S. Lewis"

Eleanor and Park

Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell

This was breathtaking, beautiful. From the punk rock to cassette tapes to the classic mean girls to the almost-there-not-quite kissing scenes, I loved every bit of it. The characters were real, flawed; I could them perfectly. Usually, I swoon over literary guys. I mean, really, it's bad, but this one was different. Don't get me wrong. I loved Park. I loved him, but he is Eleanor's. He was Eleanor's. They are each other's. No one -nothing- in this whole world can come between them. They are beautiful.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

I don't know if I am actually enjoying this book or I am just very emotional right now.

How Not to Be Popular - Jennifer Ziegler

Hmmm....Usually I'm not one for cheesy, teenage romance books. I needed a something quick and easy and fun to read; this happened to be on the nearest library shelf. Did I like it? Yes. Now I'm ready to read something that will break my heart.